CEMA members agree to support and follow the “CEMA Best Practices and Guidelines” in the operations of their business and equipment. Members will:
1. Follow all federal, state and municipal laws.
2. License all operating equipment as required by municipaland state laws.
3. Operate their business with high ethical and moral standards andwill work to promote an excellent public image for the industry.
4. Respond to the needs / requests of municipal and state authorities.
5. Not permit games to have cash money or bankcards, as prizes for play on the playfields or displays of games.
6. Ensure prizes dispensed are safe and non-hazardous to the customer.
7. Ensure all games operate under a “predominance of skill” manner to ensure fairness and customers’ satisfaction.
8. Ensure any defective prize(s) will be replaced by the operator /location in a timely manner.
9. Maintain games in a safe, clean, and attractive condition while protecting the public from harm or injury.
10. Promote “CEMA’s “Best Practices and Guidelines” to non-member operators / locations.